How can we help?


Can I still speak to an advisor?

Yes. Our team of advisors are fully operational should you need to call us. We are committed to providing our highest levels of service for our customers during this difficult time.

Please contact us via the phone number found within your scheme brochure or by clicking on Your development and entering your postcode.

You can also contact us via our web-chat service by clicking on the icons within the grey bar along the bottom of your screen. If you would rather send us an email, please email us on  

If I am shielding or self-isolating how can I top up my prepayment account?

Residents do not need to leave their homes to top-up. Please give us a call to top up, or top-up using our online payment system.

What if I can’t pay my bill?

We are committed in supporting our customers through this difficult time by providing a range of flexible payment options. Please get in touch with us to discuss the options available to you.

Will I still receive my paper bill?

Yes, we are still sending paper bills as normal. If you wish to receive your bills via email, please contact one of our advisors who will be able to help.

What if I have a problem with my heat or hot water?

If you have a problem with your heating and hot water, please get in touch with us. We are still responding to emergencies and our engineers are available for visits. Our engineers are following guidelines and have the necessary PPE prepared to visit properties.

Insite Energy is registered by the FCA for anti-money laundering.