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Submit a manual meter reading

If we are unable to obtain an actual meter reading for your property and you have received an estimate bill as a result, you can submit a manual meter reading for us to use. To know whether your bill has been based on an estimate read, take a look at our annotated bill breakdown.

Please complete the webform below to submit a manual meter read. You can find more help on how to submit a meter reading here.

To allow us to use your manual read on your next bill, please submit this within 3 days of the end of the month.

If you are a credit billed customer, you can also submit a meter reading through your ‘my insite’ account.

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Submit a manual meter read

Please enter your 8-digit account number (for credit billed customers) or 19-digit payment number (for PAYG customers).

Please enter the 8-digit number found on your energy meter. A couple of examples can be seen in our FAQ

in kWh. If your meter reading is displayed in megawatt-hour (MWh), please times this by 1000 to convert it into kWh (e.g. 0.123MWh = 123kWh).

in m3

Please write the date as DD/MM/YYYY.

Please provide us with a photo of your meter

Please note, you must be set up on 'e-billing' to be able to receive this service. You can tick the box below to be set up on e-billing if you aren't already.

Please note, by ticking this box, all bills will be sent to the email address we have on file for you. You will no longer be sent bills via letters in the post. 

*Mandatory field. We need this information so our team can better help you; please find our privacy notice here.

Insite Energy is registered by the FCA for anti-money laundering.