Case studies

See Insite Energy's impact for yourself

We could keep telling you how great our services are, but we still think the best testimony comes directly from our clients. Below you can download one-page summaries of schemes we have supported, showcasing how we helped our clients and their residents.

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Latest case study


South London

A London-based property manager has moved away from ad-hoc callouts for heat network maintenance works at one of their developments in South London. Selecting Insite Energy for both their plant room and domestic heat network assets, the development now benefits from improved reliability as a result of proactive planned maintenance as well as reduced emergency call-out costs.

Read our other case studies


Ironworks, Cambridge  Investment Partnership (CIP)


Benwell House, Spelthorne Borough Council

ESCo Manager

Greenford Quay, Telford Homes

ESCo Manager

Stone Studios, Telford Homes

Guru Hub II - Services

South Quay Plaza, BHSEL

KURVE - Dual utility

250 City Road, BHNEL

Guru Hub II

Nine Elms Park, Telford Homes


The Silk District, Mount Anvil

Secure & credit billing

Kensington Row,  Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea


Battersea Power Station Phase 4A, Ardmore Group


Greenside Views,  Lotus Trident

More coming soon

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