KURVE smart metering PAYG web-app

The low-cost PAYG solution that lowers energy consumption and enhances customer experience

With lower capital, operational, and replacement expenditure, there’s a lot to love about our in-house solution, KURVE. 

As KURVE customers consume 24% less energy than those on credit billing, it’s logical that 95% of our customers feel positively about the web-app.

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Digital innovation that benefits you and your residents

In-depth consumption data drives conscious energy use

KURVE customers consume 24% less energy annually than those on credit billing. Why? KURVE's in-depth consumption data allows consumers to view their energy consumption in both kilowatt hour (kWh) and pounds (£) since the day they moved in. They can also access it on the go using any internet-connected device, making it much easier to monitor and adjust energy usage.

Limited costs through the lifecycle of a heat network

By removing the need for a physical in-home display (IHD) for each property, KURVE reduces capital and replacement costs by 59% and 97% respectively. Lowering SaaS fees and annual metering & billing costs, operational costs are also reduced by 19% compared to traditional PAYG systems. Passed on through their heat tariffs, these savings are ultimately felt by the customer too.

Easy to install for clients and easy to set up for residents

KURVE’s HIUs come pre-wired with Smart M-Bus functionality, and do not require an IHD, significantly reducing installation time and costs. Our welcome email makes setting-up an account on the KURVE web-app an equally simple experience for the consumer. A comprehensive tutorial accompanied with an in-depth how-to guide makes familiarisation with the KURVE web-app a breeze for residents.

2x award-winning technology that handles data securely

Winning 'Digital Innovation of the Year' at the Decentralised Energy Awards 2021 and 'Best Customer Experience (Supplier)' at the Housing Digital Innovation Awards 2023,  KURVE is a proven innovative solution delivering great customer experience. Certified with Cyber Essentials, you'll also have peace of mind that the data handled by KURVE is protected against online security threats.

How KURVE works

KURVE’s HIUs come pre-wired with Smart M-Bus functionality, and do not require an IHD, significantly reducing installation time and costs.

  • Wired M-bus solution allowing for open protocol solution with manual thermal disconnection back-up;
  • SAV Systems HIU (7 Series) and Kamstrup 403 or 603 heat meter required with Smart M-bus technology pre-wired ready for install, and;
  • No additional PAYG equipment in the property required, significantly reducing CapEx and RepEx.

For our full installation guide, please get in touch with our sales team.

Get in touch to find out more about the KURVE smart metering PAYG web-app


We aim to respond to all enquiries within 24h.

For any residential enquiries, please email customerservice@insite-energy.co.uk

0207 036 9117

Our opening hours are 9am-5:30pm

For any residential enquiries, you can find your scheme-specific phone number on the 'My development' page.

Insite Energy is registered by the FCA for anti-money laundering.