Doing right with Insite

In 2022, we launched our first ever corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy. The core drive across all sectors of our strategy is to work as an environmental friend within the heat network and low carbon energy industry whilst recognising the larger community around us. Our focuses are on:

  • Supporting our employees (people & workplace)
  • Renewing our world (environment)
  • Connecting our communities (community)
  • Empowering our network (marketplace)

Each of these is explored in more detail below.

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Supporting our employees

By providing our employees with continuous opportunities, we improve the quality of their time at work. This, in turn, reflects on our wider partnerships and communities. Our culture is geared towards capturing our employees' thoughts, values, and safety, so we can improve the company with them in mind.

Renewing our world

Providing low carbon solutions is key to the heat and energy industry in the UK; a strategy we support wholeheartedly. Through sustained innovative and digital solutions, we endeavour to reduce our carbon footprint. From reducing printed communications to creating a greener fleet, we aim to inspire others to help us renew the world we live in.

Connecting our communities

Without the communities in our personal and professional lives, Insite Energy wouldn’t be what it is today. That is why we set aside dedicated time and resources for environmental and social causes local to our offices and employees. To help discover issues important to those around us, our diverse CSR committee are always keeping an ear to the ground.

Empowering our network

Great customer and client services are key to our values at Insite Energy. We aim to build trusting and long-term relationships by truly listening to our clients and customers alike. By advocating for regulations and best practices, we want to help shape the industry around those who matter most to it.

Every Child Online 

Where possible, we collect old PCs & laptops to donate to Every Child Online, with the aim to help children access the internet to support their education.

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The Peterborough Soup Kitchen

Some of our employees have helped out with painting, decorating, stock control, cooking and baking at The Peterborough Soup Kitchen, giving back to a community close to our office.

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Blood donations

It only takes about 1 hour to donate. With locations close to our offices both in Peterborough and London, employees have found it a great way to give back.

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Bake sale for Sue Ryder

Our CSR committee organised a bake sale on 6th December 2022 to help raise donations for Sue Ryder, a charity that provides palliative, neurological and bereavement support.

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Christmas Gift Appeal

Across December 2022, our team raised money and gifts to donate to The Beeches Independent Special School in Peterborough and the Lighthouse Pedagogy Trust in London.

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Nuclear Race for the NEA

In May 2023, 14 of our employees set out to run 12km through muddy farmland and faced over 130 obstacles. They did this to raise money for National Energy Action (NEA), the UK's leading fuel poverty charity. 

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Skydive for Mental Health

Four brave Insite employees jumped from a plane to help raise money for the Mental Health Foundation. Their solutions and research improve treatment for the 1 in 6 people affected by mental health problems every week.

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Litter picking in Rutland Water

A few of our employees headed to Rutland Water, a reservoir close to our Peterborough office, to pick up litter, reduce waste and improve the environment around them.

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